With the introduction of the workflows, a wide range of integrations became available for individual users. Now those integrations start to get interesting at team level too. But, until now, you could not use the same workflow token with a group of users. We’ve fixed that for you.
Read more...There was a severe service degradation of our reference server. On 2022-05-31 a deployment of OBS failed and led to a downtime. We want to give you some insight into what happened.
Read more...Another round of SCM/CI integration. This time we focused on a better separation between the incoming webhooks and the status reports we send back to the SCM for the individual workflow runs. On top of this we made the error messages more meaningful, in case something goes wrong when reporting back to the SCM.
Read more...There was a severe service degradation of our reference server. On 2022-05-18 the events system of OBS started to fail, causing problems in different areas of the application. We want to give you some insight into what happened.
Read more...Would you like to be notified if someone adds you as, let’s say, maintainer of a project? We know many of you would, we have read your feedback 😉 and that’s the reason why we have introduced two new types of notifications. OBS can now inform you when someone adds or removes you from a project or package with any kind of role.
Read more...There was a severe service degradation of our reference server. On 2022-05-10 a deployment of OBS failed and led to a downtime. We want to give you some insight into what happened.
Read more...Many of you are taking advantage of the SCM/CI integration in OBS. Sometimes the integration fails and it’s hard to find out why. In the last weeks, we have focused on improving the error handling and adding more meaningful error messages to make things easier for you.
Read more...After receiving feedback from users of OBS workflows in the SCM/CI integration, we are now introducing a step to trigger services of a package. Do not forget to join the beta program before trying this out.
Read more...Did you join the beta program, but somehow wish you could disable a specific beta feature? This is now possible with the new Manage Beta Features page.
Read more...In our previous blog post, we announced a new beta feature that allows you to add packages and requests to your watchlist, not only projects. With that improvement, what really matters is more accessible for you. But this time, we have gone one step further and you can also start receiving notifications about relevant events related to those packages and requests you have in your watchlist.
Read more...Your watchlist, where you keep your most used projects, now supports packages and requests.
Read more...Today, we have some improvements around the continuous integration we unveiled in one of our previous blog posts. We expanded the workflow run interface, added a new type of step to configure repository flags, and introduced a breaking change to the configure_repositories step.
Read more...We are happy to release the Notifications feature for all the OBS users. After testing it with the beta program’s users for some months, we believe it is ready to be used by all of you. From now on, you will be notified about some important events, not only via email or RSS feeds but also via web UI.
Read more...Close to the end of the year, we gave the rework of the API documentation some more attention. This time we documented the project sources and some of the search endpoints.
Read more...We go further with the SCM/CI workflow integration in OBS. You, beta testers, had difficulties in understanding why your integration failed when something did not go as planned. This is solved with the new workflow runs UI feature, with detailed information about every workflow that ran once you triggered a workflow token. Keep reading for more details.
Read more...We don’t stop improving the integration between OBS and SCMs. We heard your feedback and created a section in our OBS user manual and redesigned the tokens UI, among other improvements you can read below.
Read more...After a long break, we’re back with improvements for the notifications feature part of the beta program. Based on your feedback, we have introduced filters for your group notifications, a button to mark all your notifications as read and a notifications API.
Read more...We again moved forward with the integration of source code management systems (SCM) in the Open Build Service. This time with a new rebuild step, support for push events, and filter for branches and events. Some of the new features introduce breaking changes for existing workflows. So keep reading if you want to know how to adapt your existing workflows and how to use the new features.
Read more...After a quiet vacation month in August, we’re back with changes to improve workflows in the integration between OBS and source code management systems (SCM) like GitHub and GitLab. Workflows are cleaning up after themselves when pull/merge requests are closed or merged. And additionally to that, you can now regenerate and trigger tokens in the web UI.
Read more...Branching packages is not enough for you? Let’s go step by step 😉 OBS moves forward on its integration with GitHub/GitLab by adding two new steps: link_package and configure_repositories. Starting today, you can set up your OBS workflows to create a package linked to an existing one. You can also configure the repositories of a project in which you want to build packages. And as if that weren’t enough, you are now able to manage the tokens through the web UI. Join the beta program and keep reading to discover all you can do.