We are back to working on the request page redesign. This time we have focused on improving comments on lines in the Changes tab, enhancing the requests with multiple actions and supporting requests that intend to delete projects/packages and to change the development package of a package.
Read more...You might have been already using our new openAPI Documentation. We now want to let you know we added some more documentation about package endpoints and we added the new section about file endpoints.
Read more...For some time now we have been working on the request page redesign. This time we have focused on adding comments on changed or removed lines in a diff, supporting add role requests, and enhancing the requests with multiple actions.
Read more...Some maintenance operations plus a missing configuration rollback caused a 20 minutes certificate error on our reference server.
Read more...We took another step on the SCM/CI integration of the Open Build Service. This time we improved the rendering time of the workflow runs UI and enhanced the user documentation.
Read more...Our reference server stopped sending out email notifications on February 3th, 2023. In the lines below you will find a detailed explanation of what happened.
Read more...Collaboration is the heart of the OBS project. Therefore, we have been working on the request page redesign for a while, the page where most of the collaboration happens. This time, we have focused on improving the handling of requests with multiple actions, facilitating the review process by enhancing the code changes and helping out with decision-making, among others.
Read more...Some maintenance operations caused a long downtime on our reference server. In the lines below you will find a detailed explanation of what happened.
Read more...Right in time for the holiday season, we have prepared you a gift for the continuous integration between OBS and SCMs. We are introducing placeholder variables and for your workflows configuration files, a customizable location. Let’s see how this new flexibility helps you in your work.
Read more...You might already use the email channel to get notified about build failures on package builds. From now on you can also subscribe to receive those notifications through the web channel and review them directly in the Open Build Service.
Read more...After yesterday’s deployment, we faced a downtime on our reference server. In the lines below you will find a detailed explanation of what happened.
Read more...After yesterday’s deployment, we faced a downtime on our reference server. We want to share with you a detailed explanation of what happened.
Read more...Once again, we worked on the request workflow. This time we have delivered a renovated interface to show the build results, ready to be consumed by the most demanding palates. Besides that, we have cooked up a couple of additions arranged on several tabs for the hungriest. Just keep reading, help yourself and enjoy.
Read more...We don’t stop improving the requests workflow and we are actively working on the feedback. This time we worked on including conversations from superseded requests and presenting build results.
Read more...Remember our new openAPI Documentation? Of course you do!
Read more...As we disclosed a few days ago, the roll-out of the SCM/CI feature was not the end. The proof is that we are here to announce another important milestone regarding the OBS SCM/CI integration. Starting today, Gitea is available for you to be integrated with OBS!
Read more...We enabled the new watchlist feature in February 2022 under the beta program. Since then, we have been improving this feature thanks to the valuable feedback coming from our users. Moving forward today, we are now ready to push it out of the beta program and make it generally available in OBS.
Read more...In May of 2021 we took our first steps towards putting OBS builds into the continuous integration cycle with the SCM/CI feature. Thanks to the valuable feedback we received from users who started as early testers and became heavy users of the feature, we are ready today to push it out of the beta program, making it generally available in OBS.
Read more...Previously we started the redesign of the request workflow as part of the beta program. We received a lot of feedback from you and still have a lot on our TODO list. This time we focused our attention on the support of multi-action submit requests and on creating more clarity in the conversations area by highlighting comments.
Read more...Here we come again, with another piece of the API documentation rework. This time we fully documented the search endpoints.